Little Red Riding Hood 2017

She is baking donuts. The cozy kitchen is already filled with the scents of melted butter, vanilla and chocolate. She dips the warm pastry in sweet icing and lays them out carefully in a box. Soon little red riding hood will come along to carry this plentiful basket over to her grandmother’s. She considers sprinkling… Continue reading Little Red Riding Hood 2017

On Forgiveness: the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Henzel and Gretel and me

Can we forgive those who hurt us and those most dear to our hearts? This question has been on my mind for a while, both personally and politically. Like so many questions that linger in my mind, it emerged to the surface when I was invited to two conferences the same week: one dealing with… Continue reading On Forgiveness: the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, Henzel and Gretel and me

An Open Letter to POTUS Donald Trump

Leora Hadar and Hamutal Gouri Open letter to US President, Donald Trump, Welcome to our region and to Jerusalem, this holy city that holds within its walls and streets the history of people of all three religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity. We, Leora Hadar and Hamutal Gouri, members of the grassroots movement Women Wage Peace,… Continue reading An Open Letter to POTUS Donald Trump

Four Stories of Hope, Persistence and Leadership

Last week I spent a while inside a hole in time. In the early hours of Saturday morning I flew to Washington DC and on Wednesday I was already back in Israel, enveloped in the warmth of my family, everyday life, work, home and activism. I traveled to DC in for the JStreet National Conference,… Continue reading Four Stories of Hope, Persistence and Leadership

“Were I Human”

“Were I Human” Ariel: Your charm so strongly works ’em. That if you now beheld them, your affections would become tender.   PROSPERO Dost thou think so, spirit?  ARIEL Mine would, sir, were I human[1]. Nita Schechet, a feminist literary scholar and peace and human rights activist passed away last November. I was deeply saddened by… Continue reading “Were I Human”

This world needs mothers

“Motherhood is not limited to the act of bearing and rearing our own children. Motherhood is a spiritual and ethical position of responsibility for the world and for future generations”. I spoke these words spoken at an event that Women Wage Peace held in the Baptism site north of Jericho on October 19th, 2016, as… Continue reading This world needs mothers

Autumn Time

Autumn. Such a poetic season; sweet melancholy, golden leaves and a sense of transition. Times of passage require that we let go of the past and wonder what the future will bring.  Rites of passage offer moments of discomfort and discontent intertwined with expectations and excitement of things to come. Yom Kippur is an autumn… Continue reading Autumn Time

Passover: a Journey Through Tradition and Change

Passover always brings with it memories of smells and tastes and sights and sounds. The smell of cooking and cleaning. The taste of the gefilte fish that Grandmother Luba, may she rest in peace, used to make, that we will never taste again. The sight of the shiny patent-leather shoes that I wasn’t allowed to… Continue reading Passover: a Journey Through Tradition and Change

حول الحكمة وإحساس المراعاة

حول الحكمة وإحساس المراعاة ربّما وُلدتُ امرأة، وربّما، كما تقول سيمون دي بيفوار،  أصبحت امرأة. سواء أكان هذا ما حصل أم ذاك، فإنّ كَوْني امرأة يشكّل مركّبًا مركزيًّا للغاية في الفسيفساء التي تَنْبَني منها هُويّتي الشخصيّة وهُويّتي الفرديّة. إنّها العدسة التي أتأمّل نفسي والعالم من خلالها. الكتابة حول الهُويّة النسائيّة في عصر ما بعد الحداثة… Continue reading حول الحكمة وإحساس المراعاة