Hamutal Gouri

Founding Director: Impact Storytelling: consulting, training and storytelling for social change
Hamutal is a cultural critic, consultant, and storyteller for social change. She holds a BA in English Literature and Inter-disciplinary Studies, and an MA (Cum Laude) in Cultural Studies from the Hebrew University.

A seasoned facilitator and trainer, Hamutal holds a Diploma in Group Facilitation from the Megid Institute at Hebrew University, and in Team Facilitation and Management from the Martin Buber Institute at Hebrew University. Her areas of expertise include organizational, program, resource and leadership development; gender audits and mainstreaming; diversity, inclusion and intersectional approach to social transformation. A passionate storyteller and performer, she develops training modules and materials on storytelling for social transformation and writes a blog, in Hebrew and English: consult4good.wordpress.com

“I believe change happens when silence is disturbed. When we tell our own stories with our own voice”